Enterprise Agreement Negotiations

We act for numerous clients in respect of:

  • enterprise bargaining strategies;
  • dealing with the litigation aspects of enterprise bargaining such as protected action ballot applications, good faith bargaining orders and terminating bargaining periods; and
  • bargaining with unions and/or employees.

After many years working with clients with highly unionised blue collar workforces in the manufacturing, transport, mining, energy and construction industries, we hold considerable expertise about the industrial imperatives and key factors that impact on both the content of enterprise agreements and negotiating those agreements. Our depth of experience, specialised industry knowledge and insights along with our pragmatic approach is highly valued by our clients.

We have successfully defended union challenges to the approval of both Greenfields and Brownfield enterprise agreements in contested hearings before the Fair Work Commission.

From time to time, our clients experience protected industrial action and we work closely with them to prepare for and respond to such action.  We know that time is of the essence and having contingency plans readily accessible and capable of quick implementation is essential in responding to industrial action.  We represent clients before the Fair Work Commission in bargaining disputes, applications to stop unprotected industrial action and applications to suspend or terminate protected industrial action.